Monday, March 31, 2014

Rendering and Lighting Tutorial

Introduction to Rendering in Maya
Video 4
Rendered for the first time and used the keep image option so I will be able to look a back and tell what has changed between my renders

Changed the material's reflectivity and re-rendered the scene

Changed the material color and rendered again

Changed the reflectivity again but when I saved the image I saved it with a comment saying what the setting is so that later on if I decided this rendered image was better than what I currently had I could change the settings back to what they were.

Dropped the reflectivity down lower and then saved the image with a comment saying the current reflectivity

Saved out one of the previously kept images

Deleted all of the kept images

Video 5
Opened up the lesson five tutorial files which have the default anti-aliasing settings and rendered the scene

adjusted the max sample level to 1 in adaptive sampling and re-rendered the scene

Changed the filtering type to triangle and set the filtering size to 2 and rendered the scene

Introduction to Lighting in Maya
Video 5

Set the left panel view to look through selected so to make lights easier to aim because it makes the view and light work more like a camera

Video 8

Created an ambient light in the scene

Video 9

Applied depth map shadows to the directional light.

Video 10

Applied Ray Trace shadows to the directional light

Video 13
Applied light fog to the spot light

Turned on the depth map shadows

Video 14
Created a point light and applied a light glow to it and then adjusted the glow, halo and lens flare attributes.

Video 15
Projected a gobo on the scene 

 Introduction to mental ray in Maya

Video 2
applied a mental ray mia_material_x  and changed the color of the diffuse and changed some of the settings like transparency

Video 3
Created an area light and then set it's decay rate to quadratic and raised the intensity. Then I created another area light and moved it to the other side of the robot changed it's color and set the light attributes to the same as the other light

Video 4
adjusted the unified sampling setting to remove some of the noise around the shadows

Video 5
Applied a physical sun and sky and adjusted the horizon height and haze level

Video 7
Gamma corrected the image with the color manager

Video 8
Activated global illumination, upped it's accuracy setting and told maya to emit photons from the area light in the scene.

Video 9
Turned on final gathering and adjusted it's settings, and turned on ambient occlusion for all the mia_material_x2s and changed the ambient shadow color and then rendered the scene.

Video 10
Turned on global illumination and emit photons and turned up the photon intensity and the number of photons to 120,000 and 100,000 respectively and turned on final gathering as I did with the global illumination and raised it's accuracy to 500

Video 11
Applied a displacement map to a new lambert material on the alien, changed the alpha offset to -.5. created subdivisions under the mental ray approximation editor, tweaked the subdivision surface quality

Video 12
created an image based lighting and turned final gathering on and turned off the default lighting, color corrected the materials and added a directional light

Video 13
Created a spotlight to cast caustics through it onto the object. I adjusted the caustic setting until I was satisfied with the result.

Video 14
attached a misss_fast_skin_maya1 material to the figure, plugged in a diffuse color map and then plugged in other maps into the specularity settings of the fast skin.

Video 15
Created a color pass and an occlusion pass layer from all of the scene objects, set up a layer override executed a batch render of the different passes

Video 16
set up 6 scene passes, upgraded the mia_material_x material to mia_material_x_passes


Video 8
Created a NURBS plane and then created a bend deformer for the plane to make the studio floor and then made 3 V-ray rect lights