Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Volume 1

Video 1-6
Worked/played with some of the tools made a random item using preloaded 3D mesh

Video 7
Used the geometry display options to delete some faces on my cylinder

Video 8
remeshed and subdivided the base

Video 9
Used brushes to modify the base and make it start to look rocky

Video 10
Used strokes and alphas to work on the base and make it appear more rocky.

Video 11
Used masks to work further on the base

Video 12
Created a second base using a cylinder and appended it to the rock base and deleted some of the unnecessary topology with geometry display options

Video 13 was only the instructor giving an assignment so theres nothing for me to show

Volume 2

Video 1-2
Made a tank/capsule shape from a sphereinder primitive

Video 3
Created an armature from spheres

Video 4

Used made parts of shapes into polygroups

Video 5
Modified the geometry of the base using the crease and edge loop

Video 6
Deformed the geometry with a mask and deformation tools

Video 7
Worked on sculpting the charter with the move and clay buildup brushes

Video 8
Used the Q/ZRemesher to work more on sculpting

Video 9
Used a custom alpha to add texture to the model

Video 10
Made edge loops with the panel loops settings under geometry

Video 11
Created a stencil and used it on the capsule

Video 12
Experimented with modifying strokes

Video 13
Extraced geomletry to make a bandage on one of the models hand's and used Zsub to make the texture

Volume 3

Video 1-2

Applied materials to the objects

Video 3
Learned how to use polypaint

Video 4
Painted with drag rectangle

Painted using color spray and some alphas and used Zadd/subto add some more different colored texture to the rock

Video 5
Worked with UVs

Video 6
Used texture maps along with brushes

Video 7
Added surface noise

Video 8
Experimented with the shadow box

Video 9
Tried remeshing geometry some of my settings were messed up so it didn't quite work like the tutor did

Video 10
Used projection to project detail onto the object

Video 11-12
Used clipping brushes to smooth the geometry some, video 12 was giving the assignment

Volume 4

Video 1-2

Created an insert-mesh brush using a rounded cone for the alien's spines

Video 3
Made a rockish shape using dynamesh and some brushes

Video 4

Experimented with curve based brushes and then used it to add some tubing on the base

Video 5

Used a preset multi-mesh brush to create nuts for the tank and then created a multi-mesh myself with a cone, sphere and cube

Video 6
Made a Tri-Part insert brush to create more tubing

Video 7
Working on the topology of the alien's face

Video 8
reprojected the detail on to the alien

Video 9-12
Used spotlight to add texture to the rock base in lesson 9. 10 and 11 were about exporting textures extracting maps and 12 was only about the lessons assignment.

Volume 5

Video 1-2
Volume intro and then posing the alien in the 2nd video

Video 3
Cleaned up the geometry

Video 4

Learned how to use 3D layers and used it to change the aliens expression

Video 5
Made some "grass" using fibermesh

Video 6
Worked on the lights

Video 7
Experimented with the best preview render

Video 8
Learned how to use nightcaps

Video 9
Used BPR and the BPR filters to work on the model.

Video 10
Learned how to create turntables

Videos 11-12
Used decimation master in video 12, video 11 was about capturing movies so there wasn't a great way to take a screencap

13 was integration with other programs and 14 was the summary but I finished decimating a few objects and made a bpr render