Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Maya Week 1

Video 1-3
I've already set up the scene and adjusted the models positioning and started the skeleton from the first 3 videos by creating the leg joints.

Video 4
I adjust the joint orientations of the leg so they all stayed the same and after reconnecting all the joints I applied an IK handle and then mirrored the legs

Video 5
Set up the reverse foot bones from the heel and then mirrored it.

Video v6
Used orient and aim constraints to set up the foot rigs so they moved correctly.

Video 7
Started setting up the foot bank controls

Video 8
Made CV curves around the bank controls and used them to continue to make the control objects.

Video 9
Created ball controls to finish the feet rigs.

Video 10
Created Diamond control curves to create the knee controls

Video 11
finished knee controls with cluster control curves linking the controls to their joints so they could be found later if needed when it was being animated.

Video 12-13
Began working on the spine with a cv curve and joints

Video 14
Made the spine twistable using locators

Video 15
Worked on the spine's ability to bend to add hip and chest controls and parented those to the center of gravity 

Video 16

Used Hypershade to create +/- averages to program the spine's movement.

 Ma sure the locators are rotating correctly

Tested spine's movement more

Video 17
Created the head and neck rigs.

Video 18
Created joints for the eyes with joint control curves.

Video 19
Set up and finished the eye controls with NURBS circles and a CV Curb

Video 20-21
Created and set up the arm and shoulder chain.

Video 22
Started creating the finger joints

Video 23
 Finished creating and parenting the finger joints

Created IK handles for the arm and hands

Video 24
Created the shoulder controls

Video 25
Created the left arm/wrist controls and color coded them

Video 26
Mirrored the control over to the right and set it up to work correctly

Video 27
Set up the first part of the elbow control

Video 28
Finished the elbow controls with CV curves

Video 29
Started and color coded the finger controls

Video 30
Finished the finger controls so the fingers can be bent.

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