Thursday, January 16, 2014

Maya Week 2

Video 31
Set up a global move control and hid some of the pieces of the rig that needed to be hidden 

Video 32
Set up the upper and lower character sets

Video 33
Bound the character's skin

Video 34
Refined the weights of the face and neck

Video 35
Worked some more on the head and neck weights

Video 36
Worked on the weights of the feet

Video 37
Worked on the weights of the legs

Video 38
Worked on the weights of the spine

Video 39
I rigged the eyelids and set up the controls so the character can blink

Video 40
I rigged and set up the eyebrow controls

Video 41
Set up the joints for the loose belt end.

Video 42
Set up a control object for the belt end

Video 43
Set up the belt buckle so it was adjustable with a control object

Video 44 
Worked on the weights of the four fingers

Video 45
Worked on the weights for the arm

Video 46
Created the twist joints in both arms

Video 47
Made the twist joints controllable.

Video 48
Worked on the twist joints weights

Video 49
Finished by correcting some of the shoulder weights

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